Home / News / Houston Police warn residents to be aware of increased jugging incidents

Houston Police warn residents to be aware of increased jugging incidents

Sep 06, 2023Sep 06, 2023

Jugging is a form of theft that occurs when a suspect follows a victim from a bank or high-end business to their next location to then rob them.

Houston Police Chief Tony Finner is warning residents to watch their surroundings, as juggings are on the rise in Houston.

Jugging is a form of theft that occurs when a suspect follows a victim from a bank or high-end business to their next location to rob them. Finner said in a press conference on Tuesday that the incidents have risen.

Finner and Commander of the auto theft division, Dana Hitzman announced a city-wide task force that will work to decrease the amount of jugging in the community.

"And the message is, keep doing it as you may, we [are going to] get you, we [are going to] find you and we're gonna put you in jail as well."

The city will partner with other law enforcement departments, and the investigative divisions and patrol crime suppression teams.

"These operations we already work reactively and proactively, they're van-power intensive because of the type of surveillance that these suspects do but we are successful in them, and we will continue to address these crimes," Hitzman said.

Hitzman tells citizens what to be on the lookout for: someone sitting outside in a vehicle typically with dark tinted windows; or someone who may go into a bank or establishment and pose as a customer to watch a potential victim.

"They work in teams; they conduct hours of surveillance, and they are watching for citizens who may walk out of the bank with a bank deposit bag or guns from a gun range," Hitzman said.

Hitzman also said citizens should be aware of their surroundings.

"...When you leave those type of places, please pay attention to if you're being followed. If you feel like you're being followed please call the police department or stop by your nearest police station."

In terms of bank transactions, she suggests that people complete those transactions electronically, and try to go from point A to point B.

"If it's a business transaction, try to go to the bank and do the business transaction. Don't stop in between at restaurants or other locations."