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Resident Discovers Loaded Guns In Plastic Bag: Stamford Police

Sep 03, 2023Sep 03, 2023

STAMFORD, CT — Thanks to the alertness of a local resident, the Stamford Police Department recovered two guns which were found stashed in a plastic bag underneath a bush on the West Side.

The department is now reminding residents to call the police immediately if they, too, discover any firearms. Residents should also be mindful that guns are being manufactured in a variety of colors.

On June 2 around 7 a.m., a resident called the SPD and reported that they found a plastic bag sticking out from under a bush in the area of Connecticut Avenue and Fairgate on the West Side, according to Asst. Police Chief Richard Conklin.

Inside the bag were two weapons, Conklin said; a loaded, black .40 caliber ghost gun with a high capacity and regular capacity magazine and .40 caliber rounds, and a loaded purple SCCY 9 mm gun.

By the condition of the firearms, Conklin noted, they were not outside for a long period of time.

"There was a lot of firepower in this plastic bag, and we applaud the resident who did the appropriate thing and called us immediately," he said.

Ghost guns are virtually untraceable, and they can be made at home using parts purchased online.

"The ghost gun has no serial numbers, but we'll process them forensically for DNA and fingerprints," Conklin said. "With all guns we seize, they'll be test fired and compared to other criminal shootings in Connecticut and nationally."

Conklin said the purple gun was not reported stolen.

"We're following up on the history of that gun and trying to come up to speed on who might've owned it or how it came to be in that area," Conklin said.

Conklin warned residents that guns are being manufactured in all different colors, and they shouldn't be confused with toys.

"There are guns that are in wild colors. That's a newer type of thing," Conklin said. "People should speak to their children or youth and advise them if they do find a gun, to call their parents or call us immediately and we'll get personnel there."

Conklin credited the immediate action of the resident to the department's gun and crimestoppers tip line, which is operated in conjuction with the Stamford Police Foundation.

The SPD offers $1,000 rewards for tips that lead to gun arrests.

A caller can remain 100 percent anonymous and still be paid. Other tips on serious crimes can also be made.

The public can call 203-977-TIPS, or text Tips2SPD and information to 274637.

"We've seen incidents like this before," Conklin said. "We think we'll see more because of the very successful crimestoppers gun program we have with our Stamford Police Foundation."

Richard Kaufman