Home / Blog / Teachers union accuses Harper Woods schools of covering up gun incident

Teachers union accuses Harper Woods schools of covering up gun incident

Sep 04, 2023Sep 04, 2023

Harper Woods — The union representing Harper Woods teachers Monday accused the school district superintendent of trying to cover up an incident last week when a student allegedly evaded metal detectors and brought a pistol into Harper Woods High School before snatching the evidence from a staff member and sprinting from the school.

The incident happened the morning of May 31, when a staff member caught a 16-year-old student in the bathroom with a loaded handgun in his backpack, Harper Woods Deputy Chief Ted Stager said.

"The staff member detained the student and was beginning to escort him back to his office when the student grabbed the bag with the handgun in it and took off running out of the school and off school property," Stager said. "The school immediately notified us, and within hours our detective unit, including me, executed a search warrant at the student's home in Detroit, and placed him under arrest."

The student, whose name was withheld because of his age, was charged as a minor with carrying a concealed weapon and for violating the state's gun-free zone laws, both felonies, Stager said. The Detroit resident who attends the Harper Woods school was charged as a minor and is being detained in the Wayne County Juvenile Detention Facility, Stager said.

In a statement Monday, the Harper Woods Education Association executive board accused the school district superintendent of trying to hide the incident.

"It is unconscionable that Harper Woods Superintendent Steven McGhee and others apparently tried to cover up last week's incident involving a student bypassing security and entering Harper Woods High School with a firearm," the statement said.

Attempts to reach McGhee Monday were not successful. Messages left at his office after-hours and at his home home were not immediately returned Monday.

In the statement, the union said, "Harper Woods educators, parents and students deserve to know the truth — especially when it comes to threats to our children's lives. For the safety of our students, the Harper Woods Education Association is calling for a full investigation into this incident to determine what McGhee knew and when he knew about it. Our community deserves answers and demands accountability."

Stager said it's unknown how the student got into the school, which has metal detectors.

"That's a separate issue that doesn't affect the charges against the student," Stager said.

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